Registration and
LABORAS is a high throughput system for automated recognition of a large number of rat and mouse behaviors. LABORAS is completey non-invasive, uses a home cage environment and automatically determines accurate and consistent behavioral data without the need of human observers. In addition LABORAS calculates precise position tracking parameters.
The innovative LABORAS technology is based on measuring the forces induced by the animal's movement and uses advanced pattern recognition technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to convert these forces in behaviors and tracking information.
The force measurement really measures the intensity and details of a movement and doesn't require light which is an important benefit with respect to the nocturnality of mice and rats. These system characteristics enable much more accurate recording and analysis of laboratory animal behavior than possible with video technology.
LABORAS determines the following validated behaviors and tracking information of mice and rats (please click on the movie icon behind the beaviors to see examples of the LABORAS functionality):