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Purchase information

Purchase process

Our purchase process starts with a purchase order (PO) from the customer. After, we have received the PO, Metris will check if the PO is complete and inform the customer that the PO is being processed.
Depending on the product or service Metris will send an invoice with one or more instalments. Software upgrades are always requiring an upfront payment. Payment of complete LABORAS configurations will generally take place in two instalments: one payment after ordering and a second payment after delivery.  After we have received the (pre-)payment Metris will prepare the product for delivery and ship it under DAP conditions (IncoTerms 2020) to the customer.
LABORAS system orders include a free on-site training and free installation of the equipment in your laboratory by an experienced Metris engineer.

Delivery time

Metris will handle the orders on a first-in-first-out base. Normally, SONOTRACK and SLEEPSIGN orders are delivered in 3 to 4 weeks; LABORAS orders are delivered in 6 to 8 weeks. In some occasions customs clearance can considerably slow down the delivery.

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