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Moscow, Russia

As part of the Metris expansion into the upcoming markets or so called BRIC (Brasilia-Russia-India-China) countries, Ronald Bulthuis (CEO of Metris) and Levon Bachdasarian (Technical Manager of Metris) left on the 3rd of June for a 8 days visit to Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation. Primary goal was to familiarize with the pharmaceutical industry in Moscow and the surrounding area and to start the initial promotion of Metris products at key institutes and companies.

Asia Tour Metris

At March 16th Ronald Bulthuis and Michel Schless left for a 15 day visit to Asia. The trip included the combined tour with Kuo Yang Sci Corp. in Taiwan, Scitech Korea Inc. in South Korea, Neuroscience Inc. in Japan and our new agent Medi Analytika Pvt. Ltd. in India. Goal of the tour was to familiarize with our distributors and to present the latest versions of our flagship products LABORAS and SONOTRACK
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